RGV steps up media buzz on Maria Susai Raj based film
One cannot think of a single personality in Indian film industry - be it a director, producer or actor who has so mastered the internet as a communication tool as RGV has done. Even before he sets to make a film, one thing RGV sets in motion is an unrelenting publicity buzz. The film based on Maria Susai Raj's murder and acquittal is a case in point. In his characteristic style RGV has stated that he is licensed to take cinematic liberties because he is a story teller. In one stroke he brushes aside the need to pursue facts and says he is more interested in the feelings side of the story. In his own words this is what he wrote in his column ... I am interested in knowing "What kind of mental state would have led to a killing at 7.30 am in an apartment building in the heart of Mumbai's suburbs? How could a young man and woman, who seem so perfectly normal, turn into monsters in a minute?" These are exactly the kind of provocative thoughts that RGV sets up in a viewers mind. Funnily enough for him, a publicity hungry media just cannot seem to have enough of his kind of sound bytes.

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