RGV Feels Sorry for Mahie Gill

http://img.16reels.com/pictures/news/displayimages/2996.jpgMay it be for her bold role in ‘Saheb Biwi aur Gangster’ or for lip-locks to intimate scenes in ‘Not A Love Story’, Mahie Gill is often making into news these days.

The actress was showered with appreciation for her work in Ram Gopal Varma’s crime thriller based on the infamous Maria Susairaj. From lip-locks to intimate scenes, and even more, Mahie is said to have given 100% to whatever the script demanded. And the most-talked about the actress is that she did without questions.

And obviously, as one can guess, the most happy man is the film director RGV, who found it so easy to work with the actress.

He said “She understood the script so well. I felt odd that I had to put a girl in such a situation. There were retakes, too. And that felt more awkward," he said. 

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